About Us

Group Code of Conduct

Officers and employees of the TAKARA & CO GROUP share the Code of Conduct, which consists of the following ten points. As well as always acting with high ethical standards and a social conscience, officers and employees must endeavor to ensure that the TAKARA & CO GROUP becomes a corporate group that is highly regarded by society and achieves sustainable development.

  1. Comply with laws and regulations
    Comply with laws and regulations, earnestly accept the opinions of society and undertake good corporate activities that conform to social ethics.
  2. Respect human rights
    Respect the human rights of every individual and eliminate unjust discrimination that impedes fair corporate activities.
  3. Earn the trust of customers and participants in the capital market
    Promote fair and highly transparent corporate activities that contribute to the advancement of the capital market in order to improve long-term corporate value, and use our advanced technological capabilities, extensive knowledge and expertise to provide products, services and accurate information relating to these which meet the needs of our customers and participants in the capital market, so as to earn their trust.
  4. Mutual development with our business partners
    Strive for mutual development by building business relationships in accordance with fair rules and establishing relationships of mutual trust with our business partners based on smooth and open communication.
  5. Understanding and support of our shareholders, investors and creditors
    Obtain the understanding and support of our shareholders, investors and creditors through fair and highly transparent corporate activities, timely and appropriate disclosure and dialog as well as corporate information.
  6. Improve the working environment for employees
    Promote diversity initiatives for our employees, ensure fair treatment and create a safe and comfortable working environment that enables each of our employees to demonstrate their respective abilities and vitality.
  7. Strict management of confidential information
    Strictly manage all confidential information, including personal information and insider information provided by customers.
  8. Sound relationship with respect to governments and administrative authorities
    Maintain a sound and transparent relationship with respect to governments and administrative authorities, and act in a fair manner in accordance with rules.
  9. Respond to antisocial forces
    Respond to antisocial forces and organizations that threaten public order and safety with a resolute attitude, and cut off any relationship with them.
  10. Coexist with the community and contribute to the environment
    Actively participate and cooperate in the sound development of the community and in activities that contribute to a safe and secure lifestyle. Aiming for coexistence with the community, contribute to the establishment of a sustainable society where the environment and the economy exist in harmony.